The importance of Domain Name
If you are new to online marketing in this digital marketing industry, there are many things you need to know. Resuming as an internet marketer to make residual income might be really touching. Before you have to do anything, you have to think carefully first what you wanted to be and what you are passionate about. It will great if you can do research for what you want to do because it will be your own business and you have to do every day. In term of doing online business, the first thing you have to is your website name, therefore, I mentioned earlier that you have to do own research first what you are passionate about and what you want to be. After doing research, depending on the niche that you chose, you can create a website.
It is undeniable that in internet marketing industry, domain
name is one the basic step that you have to choose carefully for your online
business. You can see below regarding with the availability of domain name,
free or paid domain and registration
1) Domain Name
Domain name is the address of your website name and most of
the internet user can access the website. It is also called as url, uniform
resource locator. It is unique to each website and it is also used for
searching computer via online. When it comes to choosing name, you can use letters,
words and number. However, most of the domain name extention is com, net , org
or more.
2)Buying Domain name
It is true to say that buying domain name is pretty easy as
long as you can afford to buy. As I explained above, you have to do research on
niche name and should use google keyword planner for keyword research and
knowing volume rate. Then, you can combine with your favourate name and keyword
idea. But, you should make it simple and easy to memorize. Whenever we all saw
hyphenated website in their address, it is a bit confusing to type. Therefore,
it is better to avoid those name and complicated name. After you have your
chosen domain name, you can find it if there is available from the domain name
selling website.
3)Free or Paid Domain name
Whatever you do on free domain, it was not belong to you and
it might disappear any time. If you are an amateur, it is great to get free
domain name. However, if you want to do online business, it is undeniable that
it is your own website and you build on the solid foundation rather than
shaking one. After you bought paid domain, you can do many subdomain as well.
Domain name are very cheap and you can get it as low as 0.99 per year.
Some hosting company will give you free domain name
registration for the first year and they will charge you from 2nd
year onwards. The domain name will be part of your own business and you should
buy it from well-known company rather instead of other company who sell the
cheaper one.
After checking the availability of domain name, you can buy
it in terms of price and discount.
Domain name registration is kind of reserving the domain name on the
internet according to your annual plan. If you bought it for one year plan, it
will be yours for one year and will get control panel usage and then you have
to renew it before it expire. The domain and hosting company should have
customer support system in term of usage and other technical questions.
If you want to learn step by step system to make residual income while you are staying at home, you can learn more at,
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